Rituals of Grief
Grief is an invisible and hidden void in society. How and where do people grieve? Do
people feel genuinely connected with custom practices of mourning in their different cultures?
This project recognises the importance of facilitating space to connect, process, and express grief.
​Rituals of Grief is online documentation looking at a creative process with the eyes of a Death Doula and Performance Artist. This project investigates performing acts of mourning as a container to process experiences around loss and grief drawing on somatic movement methodologies, ritualistic practices and live art.
Ritual 1
Preparing the Fire
Performance for camera
My Bedroom, London, UK
October 2022
Ritual 2
Performance for camera
hArtslane Project Space
London,UK, January 2023
Working with three main images as part of a video triptych, a body wrapped up in cling film, a rectangle box that I recieved from the crematorium when picking up my mother's ashes, and her ashes. I aimed for juxtaposing shapes and forms that explore different states of tension such as contraction and release.
Invisible Grief
Performance for camera
Colchester Art Centre
February 2023
Ritual 4
All alone at the bottom of the sea
Performance for camera
July 2023
We spread most of my mum's ashes in the sea in Spain. The whole experience was terrifying. The night after the wind was howling and I felt I could hear my mother crying.I felt I abondened her all alone at the bottom of the sea. These images arouse out of this felt sense and embodying feeling haunted.
Interdisciplinary Art Lab
Individual and collective exploration of grief
with Marta Angelozzi, Dagmara Bilon and Dyana Gravina
August 2023